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If you’re a first-time homeowner, you likely have several questions surrounding the upkeep and maintenance of your new home. One of the most common inquiries is how often one should be cleaning their air ducts. Although there is a general timeline everyone should follow, the actual time frame may be affected by a variety of factors.

So, how often do you need to clean your air ducts?

In general, you should be having your air ducts cleaned out every three to five years, although factors such as your home’s location, lifestyle influences, and the surrounding climate may affect this number.

We have outlined below how these factors may affect your air duct cleaning schedule, which will hopefully help you determine the best amount of time to wait between each cleaning. Frequent, professional cleaning of your air ducts can help keep you and your household free from respiratory illnesses caused by mold exposure and prevent the infestation of unwanted critters.

What Are the Signs My Air Ducts Need Cleaning?

In general, if you prefer to wait until a problem occurs before addressing it, there are a few signs that your air ducts require a professional cleaning immediately. One of these is the presence of visible mold around your home or your vents. This is often a sign that something is wrong.

Additionally, many of us have experienced the smell of something burning when the furnace is turned on at the beginning of fall or winter. This is actually not a normal occurrence and is a sign that your air ducts need a good cleaning.

The presence of pests is also an indicator, as mice, rats, and disease-carrying insects such as roaches and fleas often prefer to make their homes in damp, musty air ducts.

Lastly, a visible buildup of dust and debris around your air vents or cycling through your air is another good sign that your air ducts need cleaning. Although some dust around your home is not a huge deal, the excessive buildup and circulation of it can irritate asthma or cause other upper respiratory infections.

What Lifestyle Factors May Affect My Air Duct Cleaning Schedule?

Pets. Particularly pets that shed fur around your home, such as cats, dogs, and free-roaming rabbits. This fur may build up in your air ducts and lead to more frequent cleanings.

Asthma. If you or another member of your household has asthma or an easily irritated respiratory system, you will need to have your air ducts cleaned more frequently to prevent the buildup of dust and allergens.

Location. Houses located in warmer, more humid climates will need more frequent cleanings to prevent the buildup of mold growth.

Smoking. If you or another member of your household is a smoker—especially if you smoke indoors—you will need to have your air ducts cleaned more often.

A recent renovation. If you have recently remodeled your home, and your remodel has particularly included work with drywall, you will likely need to have your air ducts cleaned soon after. It is also always important to have them cleaned soon after moving into a new home, whether you have renovated or not, as you can never be sure how often the previous tenant had it cleaned.

What Are the Benefits of Regular Air Duct Cleaning?

    • Minimize illnesses. Frequently clearing away the dust and debris buildup around your air duct system can help prevent the development of upper respiratory infections.
    • Reduce asthma symptoms. The presence of fewer allergens being cycled through your indoor air can help take the pressure off your lungs.
    • Lower utility bills. When your air ducts are kept clean and free of obstructions, they operate more functionally, leading to lower utility bills—kind of like how having good-quality tires can reduce your gas mileage.

Related Questions

Is Air Duct Cleaning a Waste of Money?

As long as it’s not being performed too often, frequent air duct cleaning is not a waste of money as it helps to prevent serious issues within your body and your home. Just make sure you’re paying attention to the personalized conditions within your home and the signs that you may be due for a cleaning. Annual cleaning may be too frequent but waiting longer than five years may be excessively too long.

How Much Does Air Duct Cleaning Cost?

The national average for one professional air duct cleaning is between $300 -$400. However, it all depends on where you live and what your home requires. Dryer vent cleaning is also necessary and it’s a good idea to get that done at the same time so it will add to the cost. Most air duct cleaning services have Special Offers available.

How Often Should Apartment Air Ducts be Cleaned?

As a rule of thumb, apartment air ducts should be cleaned just as often as residential homes, so every three to five years depending on location.


Overall, it is best to have your air ducts cleaned professionally every three to five years, however scheduling an annual cleaning will maintain the integrity of the air in your home so that you are consistently breathing cleaner. Also, certain environmental and lifestyle factors may require you to have it cleaned more frequently. Pay attention to the conditions within your home so that you know when its best to have them cleaned.

Call Unique Air Duct Cleaning in Livonia for air duct cleaning and dryer vent cleaning services you can count on. We use a cleaning system that cleans, sanitizes, and dislodges dirt, debris, allergens and more in just one swipe putting us above the competition. Our commitment to customer care and respect for our customers’ homes is one of the many reasons why our repeat business and referrals continue to grow! Call today